Serap & Vincent

Serap has always been interested in the mind-body correlation. She is an Iyengar Yoga teacher, certified in Caycedian sophrology, whose 1st degree dynamic relaxation exercises have their origins in hatha-yoga, she is also an Instructor for the Tibetan meditation and relaxation technique (Tara Rokpa, 'Relaxation and healing') which allows him to deepen serious work on the mind, emotions and consciousness. She practices Iyengar yoga intensely. She has extensive experience teaching through theater. She speaks and uses several languages including German, English, French and Turkish. Its dynamic & relaxed yoga method draws on Iyengar yoga and sophrology.

We both did our Iyengar© certification in Brussels with Willy Bok and Rita Poelvorde, obtained in 2016. Since then we have continued to train through workshops with the greatest current masters: Udhay Bhoshale, Zubin Zarthoshtimanesh, Firooza Ali Razvi, Eyal Sifroni, David Meloni, Christian Pisano, Carrie Owerko.Abhijata Iyengar, Carrie Owerko, Suryans Thakur, Raya Uma Datta, Rita Keller, Ramanand Patel